More efficient employee management through management coaching

As a manager in a company, you are particularly challenged. Employees have to be motivated, evaluated and guided. A manager is under enormous pressure every day to successfully master all tasks. Executive coaching can help managers to carry out their tasks efficiently and competently. Find out how you can benefit from executive coaching and which characteristics define an excellent coach.

Executive Coaching - Eva Kunczicky

What is executive coaching?

Executive coaching is a special part of business coaching and is aimed specifically at company managers. The focus of this coaching is on the further development of leadership skills. The term “coaching” is used in many different ways and generally refers to consultative discussions between individuals. These discussions can take place in both individual and group settings and offer support for self-help from a neutral, uninvolved person. Coaching for managers takes place at certain intervals and focuses on the topic of leadership. The most important factor is to achieve defined goals within a limited period of time.


Communicate effectively


Lead successfully


Develop consciously

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Why take part in coaching for managers?

The ongoing changes in the world of work have a major impact on managers in companies. Executive coaching makes it easier for managers and executives to deal with demographic change, changing work and lifestyles and digitalization. At the same time, your own management style is examined more closely and its impact on employees is analyzed. Strictly speaking, the management style should adapt to the changes of the times. This always raises the question of how managers should or even must change or adapt. It is also important to consider what expectations the younger generation of employees have of their workplace or the company itself. The expectations that managers should fulfill should also not be ignored. One question that is answered in executive coaching is why managers should act differently today than they did a decade ago. With my coaching for managers, you can keep pace with the changing times and develop your skills.

Coaching for managers - Eva Kunczicky

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Contents and topics of executive coaching

The biggest difference to business coaching is the topics and content of executive coaching. Coaching is about strengthening managers in their role and developing their leadership skills.

The coaching is adapted depending on the manager’s situation

  • if a management position is to be taken up

  • if the change is from a specialist position to a management position

  • when female managers have to overcome special challenges

  • if young managers are to lead older employees in the future

  • if there are already problems in a team that worsen the working atmosphere, performance is downgraded or power struggles occur in the team

Coaching for managers can make it easier to move into a management position or expand your own leadership skills. Especially in today’s world, where digitalization is leading to many changes in everyday business life, coaching can help to improve your own leadership skills.

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What are the benefits of coaching for managers and companies?

Management training depends on the goals you have set yourself as a manager.

Professional coaching can have a positive influence on the following

  • an expansion of leadership skills

  • More security in the leadership role exercised

  • improved acceptance by employees

  • a clear view of the upcoming steps

The aim of management coaching is to strengthen you in your leadership role and help you to adapt more easily to the constantly changing world of work. At the same time, team collaboration is improved and productivity is increased. Coaching is a complex process that is individually designed. It is not possible to clearly state a benefit here and would in fact be incorrect. If you receive an offer in which a coach promises you a concrete return on investment and also quotes exact figures, you should be skeptical.

Why executive coaching makes sense

Taking advantage of executive coaching does not mean not being suitable as a manager. No, it means showing that you are willing to take responsibility for change and expand your existing knowledge.

As a rule, management training is carried out to clarify and improve the following aspects.

1. role conflicts and role expectations

As a manager, you have many different tasks to master at the same time.

These tasks include:

  • the motivation of employees

  • Mediation work between different departments

  • Development of solutions and ideas

  • monitor employee performance

  • and much more

For a manager, this means that several roles have to be taken on. The role of an animator, who builds up his employees, and at the same time the role of the controller, who monitors the employees. In addition, a manager also becomes an arbitrator in the event of conflicts between employees. This role play can lead to a conflict arising for you as a manager. For example, when empathy is shown to an employee, but at the same time the work output should be checked and criticized if necessary. A coach for managers can help you to clearly recognize the expectations placed on you as a manager and develop strategies to deal with these role conflicts correctly.

2. the manager the role model

To be successful as a manager, it is unfortunately not enough to learn a large number of techniques. A manager should inspire employees and radiate a self-confident personality. A good role model has a significant influence on employee productivity.

For this reason, executive training also includes the topic of personality development. Personal character traits are difficult to change, which is why coaching focuses on consciously perceiving your own personality. We then look for a way to integrate your personality into your leadership role.

3. the coach as a training partner for you as a manager

A coach will never give you direct advice. On the contrary, they are an extremely valuable discussion partner who will support you in technical areas and answer questions. As a rule, managers do not have people to talk to at eye level. This is where the coach comes in. A coach listens, gives expert feedback and challenges questions and ideas.

Successful managers through coaching for managers

As an enthusiastic coach for managers, I solve resource issues in companies, competence issues and bring in perspectives from outside. It is a personal concern of mine to help managers to develop personally.

An executive coach should first and foremost focus on their client and work with them to filter out all personal perspectives. Only then is it a matter of starting a transformation. Together, all possibilities are then exhausted in order to be able to shine as a manager in all areas.

I offer my knowledge and support throughout Austria, with a focus on Vienna, Lower Austria, Upper Austria and Burgenland as well as Switzerland. I am also available to you in southern Germany. Internationally, there is also the possibility of executive coaching in English.

Would you like to get to know your own personality better and improve your leadership skills? Are you facing a new challenge and want to become a manager? I can help you get to know yourself better and master your professional challenges with ease. Contact me and we will arrange a non-binding initial consultation.

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